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How to Dry a Wine Decanter

Ensure a spotless, residue-free finish for the next time you decant

How to Dry Inside of a Wine Decanter - DryMeister

Why use DryMeister to dry the

inside of a wine decanter?

Drying the inside of your wine decanter is essential for maintaining its pristine condition. Moisture left inside can lead to water spots, cloudiness, scum, and unpleasant odors that can affect the wine's aroma and flavor.

How to Dry


Open a Drying Head Wrapper

First, shake out any excess water from your decanter. Next, take a drying head out of the wrapper.

DryMeister Drying Head


Attach the Handle to a Drying Head

Hold the drying head steady in one hand, and screw the handle onto it with the other hand, making sure it's tight.

How to Attach a DryMeister Drying Head


Quickly Dry

the Decanter

Apply light pressure and maneuver the drying head inside the decanter until drying is complete.

DryMeister - How to Dry a Wine Decanter

Quickly Dry the Inside
of Your Wine Decanter

While DryMeister can reach and dry the inside of many wine decanters, extreme base widths and intricate shapes may be exceptions.

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