How It All Began

DryMeister was invented on July 22, 2020 out of sheer frustration of hand drying countless reusable water bottles to no avail during the COVID-19 pandemic. And then came the delicate wine glasses. And those dirty flower vases. The coffee pot. The wine carafe. And I realized the list goes on. Because my family was working and taking college classes from home during the pandemic, we constantly had an assortment of items that needed to be hand washed and dried. With that came a cluttered countertop of things taking forever to air dry. And then it hit me.
Introducing DryMeister.
Aimee Roberson is the Founder and CEO of Meister Solutions, a company focused on creating products that make small tasks easier. She is a graduate of the University of Southern California with B.A. degrees in French and Communications. She worked in media relations before raising her family. Aimee and her husband Jim have three adult children, one grandchild, and enjoy an active lifestyle.
"Just because you're a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean you can't be a great entrepreneur." - Mark Cuban [1]
[1] Shark Tank Season 12, Episode 10